Tooth and Nail
June 24th, 2013
Two weekends ago I acted as Music Supervisor and Composer for a film entered into the 48 Hour Film Fest.
For those of you not familiar with the Film Fest, it’s a competition that happens in cities across the world. Film teams draw a genre from a hat, and then are given a character and a line that must be incorporated into their 4-7 minute film. Each team has only 48 hours from finding out their genre and line to turning in a final product.
The genre we drew was western, the character was Michael or Michelle McDougan, a carpenter, and the line was “your guess is as good as mine.” Given the genre, much of my already available music was unavailable, but it made for a great weekend recording session with Pay the Devil and Of the North. We ended up recording simplified, sans-vocals, of some originals, as well as collaborating on a new tune. I also composed some new music to follow the action in the showdown scene.
It was a great experience and final product is something we’re all very proud of. Enjoy!