Serenade in A-flat Major
December 16th, 2006
This quartet begins in A-flat major and quickly adds dissonance. The slight dissonance creates new chord voicings which are used through the rest of the piece. Read the rest of this entry »
Orchestral, chamber, and solo pieces that are a bit more conventional than my contemporary work
December 16th, 2006
This quartet begins in A-flat major and quickly adds dissonance. The slight dissonance creates new chord voicings which are used through the rest of the piece. Read the rest of this entry »
December 12th, 2006
This piece focuses on voices entering in rounds. The entire opening 4 measure statement is repeated by each section of the string orchestra as they enter. The round eventually breaks, but call and response techniques still are used throughout. Read the rest of this entry »
December 2nd, 2006
This piece is a chaconne. I created an eight bar chord progression and simply worked on a few layers of melody to put on top. In the middle of this piece, the chord progression itself becomes the focus, as the viola part highlights the dissonances within the chords on top of downbeat pizz from the other sections. This piece features an “anti-climax,” that is, it reduces down to almost nothing in the middle rather than building towards a dramatic climax. Read the rest of this entry »
November 16th, 2006
This is the first of my string serenades, originally inspired by Dvorak’s Serenade for Strings. This piece inverts the Dvorak motif for the primary source material. Read the rest of this entry »
October 15th, 2006
The themes in this piece all come directly for the initial background music I composed for the terrain video. While writing, I discovered a motive in the music which I dubbed the “Project Wish Motive” and used in many variations throughout the piece. The melodic motive, A-C-E-A-F#-E, and its permutations appear in virtually every piece composed for Project Wish.
September 22nd, 2005
Irresolution first began as a duet written with a floor mate from the dorms my freshman year. We worked on the guitar chord progression together, he wrote some vocals, and I wrote the cello part. During the Fall 2005 semester, I reinvented the piece by finding the original cello part, and piecing together the rest. The acoustic guitar part is similar to the original, and the piano melody is based on the original vocal melody, or at least what I remember of it. The mandolin and classical guitar parts were added to better use my fellow members of the Contemporary Music Ensemble, whose performance of this piece can be heard on the CD. Read the rest of this entry »